Information persons in charge for child welfare
Dear guardians,
or should be better written:
Dear fellow human beings, you are at least indirectly and directly responsible for preventing damage and generating opportunities for the greatest possible happiness (in the emotional sense) of and for minors:
The kids area is under construction but that’s what it’s all about here. It is about entertaining children in a complementary way, without competing with children’s scissors, crayons, cardboard, sand, water, their favorite doll.
We also don’t necessarily see it as beneficial to park children in front of whatever flicker box. We are skeptical about some studies on conducive neutral processes in computer gaming to what extent an answer to a specific question can also be a solution model. In this respect, nothing will happen here that would make the user overvalue colorful pixels.
Now Dragomar is not necessarily a children’s book series, but from the story and the characters, the areas of education and entertainment can be nicely worked. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t like to have such a friendly fish in their circle of acquaintances.
Antarctica is super for highlighting what is special, even if it seems normal to us in everyday life. A sunflower is the equivalent of a UFO. We want to arouse curiosity, even for the little things.
Dragons are classy. Some even have class. Others are as annoying as the nosy neighbor or the lonely chatterbox. The fact that a magical penguin and his friends get involved and bring color and liveliness to the ice desert with fire and light cries out for a coloring block. There are 1000,000,000 creatures that want to be invented. What does a dragon look like to you? What must he have and what must he be like to be recognized as a dragon? Are dragons superheroes or monsters? Why are magic fish so important? How do you represent a spell in just one picture when the result looks “normal”? A picture of a rabbit in a hat is for now – just a rabbit in a hat.
We will see how extensive these pages can become. As far as content is concerned, there are hardly any limits. Read-aloud stories, small online games without “shooting” and without “ingame purchases”,
…puzzles, coloring pages, coloring contests, reading comics, small movies, …
Should your child give you a lecture about the circumpolar current, we were missing a long word in the crossword puzzle.
The children’s pages will be colorful – very colorful. They will not contain advertising or product information. There will never be direct, external communication with other visitors. If we release a video game for consoles or a card game, you will not get any hints here. Nothing is easier than getting kids excited about rare, colorful trading cards. Not here.
Now the main site isn’t really terrible and even there the amount of product advertising is getting smaller, but the style and topics are getting different.
The reading content for younger children and beginning readers is NOT provided for small mobile devices (cell phones). The overall reading of a story section that has more, than 30 words ist rarely possible in a meaningful way.
If you want to be informed about the development status of the pages, please visit Dragomar on social media. But there are other things shown and self-promotion.
Parents Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What takes place on the pages of Dragomar - Kids?
Editing Dragomar for kids is quite simple, but takes some time. The fact is, we only have an idea of what we want to portray here and what effort can be put into it. If we manage something like "edutainment" without reaching into the canned box for online games and creating filler, that's good.
Much is possible. Read-aloud texts with and without pictures. Good night - little movie, coloring books to download. No matter what, it remains - despite evil figures - nice.
The protection of privacy is so important that we will never work here with "hard" logins or even with a chat area. What is conceivable is a communication about you and us, for example in a painting contest.
For children of what age are the Kids pages?
For all ages. There are only three criteria: Not harmful to minors, not glorifying violence, not frightening through excessive use of color (light) and sound effects. In the case of the content, it is either clear for whom it is suitable or reference is made to content (for example, "reading required") or a level of difficulty. Children develop differently and have different interests. Even the neuronal networking and the capacity for abstraction are only defined by common values. Children, like adults will already know what they like. It should not surprise us, if on these sides more from the working day hosed adults "herumdaddeln" than children. No one should tell them, for example, that they are having fun at the level of a preschooler. Why should they?
Are the kids on the sites safe from third party access?
What kind of world do we live in? But: yes!!! From Dragomar Kids pages in operation will not lead direct links to pages where you have to log in or where chats are possible. The current menu bars will be hidden and a separate imprint and privacy policy will be linked without any other clickable links. The applications, which can be used here either directly on the pages, or are made available for download, are not chargeable and do not require disclosure of identity. In the case of applications that involve competitions and, for example, require an avatar player name in order to store, compare and retrieve the game result data on a server, this will be indicated separately. In any case, registration would be required by a person of legal age on a non-kids site or we automate it via random names. There will be no other features here. If we get that far and make games that create player profiles, for example to cater to inclinations or congratulate on birthdays, that will take place on their own platforms and have separate privacy policies. We completely exclude chats for minors there as well.
Do you do product advertising on the Kids pages?
Not directly. No book covers or products are shown and there is no invitation to buy. Games and game content here are free, with no purchase options of components, time, levels, .... Only on this information page for parents will be information about new products and these products, in terms of their child-friendly or even pedagogical content incentive-free described. The product pages, with which we then actually want to sell are again separately
Can "The Light of Dragomar" be read by children?
The story - as a plot line - is relatively easy to reproduce and follow. However, there are interludes/scenes that interrupt the chronological linear flow.
Cute animals talking to each other, travel, danger, weather. It depends primarily on how the reader handles sentences of varying length, some foreign words, and an English song lyric. Those who don't know the word "Renaissance" can "look it up." Those who do know it may be able to place it in time or say "Florence." It is at this point that the child who did not know the word and looked it up would have an enormous knowledge advantage over the adult who had only memorized buzzwords. The more one cares about the meta-information, which is lightly written, the more complex the simple story is - regardless of age and level of education. For know-it-alls of any age who start their sentences with "Let me put it this way ...", it becomes rather boring.