Thank you for submitting data to Dragomar.
The limit for a single submission is 32 MB due to the system. This corresponds to about 30 seconds of mobile video. For larger amounts of data, external providers or ftp access will be used after consultation. Messenger of social networks also go, but compress.
Personal rights:
Our privacy policy applies. I don’t falsify or mess with the material.
Please specify how the transmitted data may be used. On the net is on the net. I can not delete what is spread. There will be no suggestive post or third party exploitation. With the authenticity and responsibility stands and falls the entity “Dragomar”.
This channel serves the “unprofessional exchange”. Means, data protection and personality rights without end, which I take seriously. The following formalism is not pure self-protection but responsible handling. It would be, everything here accommodating, up to 40 checkboxes and input fields. The checkbox: “Yes, I am the copyright holder etc.” is as stupid as it is wrong. “I have all the photocopying permissions”. is sporty, if already buildings have personality rights. In individual cases, I prefer to ask exactly once by e-mail and take responsibility. And no, the e-mail address is not used for advertising or to generate “leads”. The world is getting simpler and simpler in terms of technology and more and more stupid in terms of self-image.
If you walk across Munich’s Marienplatz, there is a high probability of being posted on 50 private and business channels. It seems to have become normal that everyone, even children, have become part of the public interest. Not here. Group pictures gladly, kids: great –but all within the law. I don’t want to be blamed if a picture of a couple making out doesn’t show the respective life stage partners. There remains a residual risk with close-ups. My (de)pixel task.
Simple rule for the way I use any visual material:
Those who obviously, reflectively perceive the shot and actively participate are likely to be considered consenting provided sanity is recognized. All others will be pixelated. Children anyway, unless there is a corresponding note from the legal guardians.
E-mail is necessary for possible inquiries, releases, previews, feedback. (together@dragomar.net is not a stupid saying)