Ad space is provided in various areas outside the static pages, with the exception of audience pages with updating content and games.
A short info about available placement and campaign opportunities is published once a month, not more
Ad types
The ad types are determined based on the respective carriers (stories, posts, interactive content, download archives, games) and language in each case and inserted into the layout. Ad sizes are based on the layout. Standard ad sizes and formats are provided. Special media formats can be created and inserted upon request.
Pricing models
- lump-sum, term-limited
- bidding procedure
- early bird
- sales discounts
- by customer
- by campaign volume
- pay-per-view
- pay per click
- date related
related to industry, country and location
We use geo-localisation. All adjustments can be made in the shop.
- We collect anonymized data for a matrix of best results.
- Sales effects (lead generation) can only be valued by recurring orders of ads for specific locations.
- We value the quality of impressions by CTR and bouncing rates.
- We offer locations/areas to get best arrangements and results, also for the possible creation of content relations.
- Our impressions and clicks are not counted.
- Bots and crawlers are not counted.
- Pre-loading 100-300 px vertically in scrolling progress.
- Ads are loaded according to location, not browser or content language.
- 1 click per user/ad in 30 minutes is maximum.
- We encourage visitors to click only if interested or curious.
- We avoid accidentally clicks by design, space and a break in homogenity.
- We filter the visitors from the users by menus and links to
can be carried out exclusively via the online store.
Do not miss anything
fresh is attractive
max. 1 time per month
Existing partners receive individual notifications and offers on request