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That is what it is about
An RSS newsfeed is a file with a mostly very short overview of articles available on the internet from the publisher of the newsfeed. This lightweight file can be accessed, displayed and managed by software (called readers). Many internet sites ‘pimp’ themselves by displaying contributions from others on their pages. In most cases, this is also legal. We, too, may include and share other, individual contributions here on this page if we subscribe to the respective “blog”, the channel of the operator. At the top of my list would be: https://dragomar.net/drachen-zeichnen-leicht-gemacht/feed, which is perhaps in preparation.
You simply download an “RSS Reader” of your choice from the Internet and enter which contributors or blogs you want to follow. The reader then ‘feeds’ your data container from the current news (news) with contributions that you can call up. Those subscribed to by them do not know that you are a ‘follower’. No registration. All anonymous. No stuffed email inbox.
current examples
manually compiled
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Advertizing Ad space is provided in various areas outside the static pages, with the exception of audience pages with updating content and games. A short
The Knights of Scare
Knights of Scare Knights of Scare is a collection of stories about a secret order that operates worldwide. Everything we thought we knew about demons
The Shore. Hotel of the surf
The Shore Hotel of the surf Hotel Stories Comments, wishes, suggestions, questions Click here About Already members from royal houses were here. Statesmen, stateswomen and
Kids of Dragomar
Star time – read and read aloud Kids of Dragomar Principle Kids of Dragomar is its own series of stories. In addition, their meeting place,