The Shore

Hotel of the surf

Hotel Stories

Squash-house Valley 1

Squashhouse Valley 1 Harvest time Charly sat high up on his pumpkin, with his back leaning against the ten feet sawed-off stalk. From here, he

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Lights of Dragomar Russian

ПРОЛОГ Свет Драгомара к оглавлению Опубликовано на данный момент Покинутая честью магия в оболочке ждет того. кто сильнее заклинаний. Магические силы в том, кто противостоит

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Comments, wishes, suggestions, questions


Already members from royal houses were here. Statesmen, stateswomen and high government officials and emissaries. Industrialists and, more recently, hedge fund managers. The moneyed aristocracy comes when it is more expensive, safe and dignified. The Shore is a house of tradition. Its owners and employees consider themselves family. The house has been defying all attempts to make the uniqueness of its location on the cliff and its own beach, in the wind and the wild roar of the sea, in the nature reserve by acquisitions of an investment fund or wealthy individuals, for almost 159 years. It is constantly repaired, renovated and painted. The house has to be immaculate. Snow-white and as pure as the minds and consciences of the guests can be. One would have a reputation to lose. The Shore is not on the English coast, but in New England. It is the refuge for lovers, for secret lovers, for secret corporate takeovers. Even murders have been arranged here. The world-renowned discretion of the staff, who do not listen because they are present only on demand, is the open secret of the house. One has adapted and increased the leisure value. Cycling became an active vacation. Horseback riding is now called adventure riding. A yapping dog gets entertainment in a play area. Those who come here usually stay for only a few days. Some leave their families at the hotel while they conduct business in New York or Boston. 

The Shore has 62 rooms. That’s just right, to provide service and still provide privacy.

A helipad was built behind the grove, and because it was often guests’ own helicopters, it was expanded. A separate building for staff was also erected there, which was a tough tussle with the authorities.

Everything was ready. Christmas parties were long gone and April would bring the first guests. The Shore was always fully booked. Twelve rooms could only ever be booked within a week. It was both business strategy and courtesy to regulars who dropped in at a moment’s notice. Moreover, in private and business life there are sudden events that were not planned and required a debate of the minds involved.

The Shore was there, is there and shall remain there.