Dragomar Press Release 01-EN/2022

Lights of Dragomar

A bunch of beaks

written by Marc Krautwedel


A declaration of love to life

No one had promised that it would be easy.

At the time of the High Renaissance, a teenage penguin in Antarctica experiences nothing but everyday life. Yet, something is not right. He has visions of dragons, of battles and natural disasters. Fire and smoke escape from his nose. The penguin learns that his family is not his biological family and travels to his last biological relative, his grandfather in Dragomar, the mysterious place about which there are many stories and even more rumors. Chapter by chapter, he gets to know personalities on his journey who, each in their own way and with their point of view, contribute to getting closer to the truth about Dragomar and the truth about the penguin himself. Dragomar‘ opponents also learn about him and a sea battle takes place over him. Once in Dragomar, his knowledge increases and new questions about the past and the future arise. His identity also needs clarification. Is he Penguin, dragon—is he perhaps somehow the most powerful dragon of all times? Why can he do magic? Why have cultures perished here? What is it about what the ancients call humans?

A bunch of beaks is the early fourth volume of a 10-volume book series in which 7 parts are dedicated to the protagonist and the first three parts (the prehistory rising (I), golden age (II), downfall (III)) are not added but interspersed in an explanatory way, timed to the main thread. The author considers the theoretical minimum reading age according to Flesch Reading Ease of 9-11 years to be suitable for reading the book as a penguin story. 

All other contents and interweaving depend on the reader‘ interest, level of education, degree of socialization, current life premises and cultural/religious background.

The book can be described as “all ages”. It just delivers differently.


“Dragomar is deep—FUN! Enjoy.”

“I read it several times.”

Marc Krautwedel

Marc Krautwedel *1968

Long-Covid got him writing. What was at first like a strange, flaccid flu had consequences. Nervous system, sense of direction, hearing. After a few falls with eight broken bones while walking the dog, Marc ended up first in an office chair, later in a wheelchair. Telephone calls and video meetings were out of the question. He began to write. What had previously been urban planning analyzes, concepts, business plans and active slogans of international understanding in discourse turned into fiction and entertainment. Writing was and is his passion and, being not only a means but also an end, is carried by a special quality of romantic-rational personified loneliness in discourse with the inside and the outside.

Marc is currently writing a novel about the war and post-war years of his grandfather Walter, who was an established Nazi, also or just an agent of a reactivated NSA subset. He ended at a little tree when life seemed to stand still on regular tracks while he was just getting older. – Twelve pages about clotheslines and yet the book shall not exceed 540 pages.

Publishing house


Story Roads Publishing

Marc Krautwedel


Klenzestrasse 41

80469 Munich


Story Roads Publishing grew out of a conversation between Marc Krautwedel and a friend, Klaas Hummel. They both don’t want to be restricted to genres and also want to work on other areas of storytelling, up to music, computer games and movies, if it should arise.

Website: www.dragomar.net

The website www.dragomar.net contains 5 components: 

  1. book marketing
  2. free stories-to-read or as games
  3. online store (e-books + own designs with dropshipping) 
  4. E-books as applications (development of interactive, graphically appealing e-books with game engines based on HTML5 and C#/C++) 
  5. educational section including separate kids section.

Positions 4. and 5. depend directly on the results from 1. and 3.



Lights of Dragomar is …

about dragons

He spread his mighty wings, launched a blast of red fire into the sky, and took off on his last flight. 

So far, so dragon but:

Defeat today meant annihilating unmercifully with all harshness and bringing about the chance of a new beginning. The own magic would fall into a deep, inner struggle. It would be his last fight without a matter of how it would end. He would not bring in a new, corrupted seed of the mind’s unfeeling usefulness. His violence would not become part of a better future, which should grow out of tolerance and compassion. 

a fable?

Yes, but only this single paragraph that is more a spoken out allegory and the conclusion of a talk about bioluminescence of mammoth sea sponges:

“You’re saying that up there in the mountain everything is just so nice and bright because down here some invisible creatures are just shining because they’re being fed by animals that can barely move and can’t defend themselves?” 

Eremides laughed. “I see you understood the somewhat awkward and nasty fable.”

about loss of control

“You’re right,” Eremides said. “We have to be prepared for anything, even for someone who destroys all, so no one has it, not even him”

About changes, acceptance and unwritten stories

“It’s all right, my little dragon,” Eremides said. 

“I am not a dragon! I am afraid.”

“What’s going to happen? Either you are a wonderful penguin who has what it takes to become a great wizard, or you also carry in your blood the memory of one of the noblest creatures that ever existed on earth. In the worst case, we would have to build you a much bigger bed someday.—But you could fly.”

“Flying? Wow!”


“…There he goes again: Hmm, lousy Front Tuck, but now: Full–Triple–Full–Full, air collision, Nose Press on leopard seal, still in the air, Shifty–Pretzel–Full–Full, next air collision, Mule Kick, great, this run must win!—Pretzel–Half–Back,–oh, no, not scored, whale landing again, but he did not stand it, anyway.”

not that crazy as it appears:

“Not all of us will return,” 

 he said, his beak opening wide in a dramatically accented, unnatural-sounding voice.

“You are the best of the best. 

Our chances of surviving

are better than of those

who were not trained by me.

Those who accept this mission

here at my side

will one distant day still be proud

to have fought with me these days.

Orlando, Romario, Giottzo,

Rudolpho, Marchello,

and the rest of you will succeed by my side.

Then, when you are back with your families,

you will remember those glorious days.

Achieved heroic pride in your faces

of your pains and scars,

and pity those

who were not in the midst of that troop.

That troop of future heroes and martyrs

who went out to save the homeland

and the world from destruction

You are not only a team. No,

you are superb in your individual qualities.

Anyone of you could change the game.

Together, as wingmen, we are unbeatable

in defending our families

and erasing the enemy.

You bunch of beaks

will bring about a triumphant victory,

or find no mention

in the annals of history.” 

Only Giottzo reacted at once: “Very good.—But it would be nice to have something like: ‘Who then lost a leg or a wing on the icy shelf of war, left it for a deeper cause’ and so on. Or: ‘Not death is dangerous, but life!’ Just a few more cheery words to loosen up the old mustiness.” 

“This is excellent. Perfect for the walk back, even if old style. Thank you,” Antonio said, full of enthusiasm. 

“Therefore, we need to be disciplined and to rely on individual responsibility for the team and the mission. Continue now, without whining, in a row. It’s just like going fishing.—Only without fish.—And that we’re not the hunters. Hey, it’s going to be a walk in the park.”

“Fall in!”

“Forward MARCH!”

They went on their way again. 

For Marchello, the issue was not conclusively settled. ‘Hey Giottzo, what did Antonio mean by ‘those who are by my side, scars, pain and pity’?”

“That’s his English humor, and he loves the theater. He rehearses it at home, when dreaming of a globe theater. Also, he appeals to us as a group. Each of us is part of the group and each of us can be a hero in his own right and be hailed as a hero by other groups. You must understand him. We’re penguins. We know discipline and we grow up with ‘the collective first’. In a collective, the individual loves to stand in the middle of all topics, but mostly for not being eaten from the edge. Our group is small. Everyone here is on the edge. Every loss weakens the team and reduces our chances to fulfill. He must work with two different strategies of social behavior at the same time.”

“Well,“ said Marchello and trotted on. 


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Dragomar Buchcover


Dragomar bookcover


Titelbild Dragomar E-Book, Band 1; goldener Drache auf dunkelgrünem Grund.